Wednesday, 30 September 2015

What is your favourite way to eat asparagus?

We are living in a bach at the moment and wonder of wonders… we have asparagus growing in our back garden!
They are quite well camoflaged so we didn’t spot them straight away, but now we know the location of every single spear and inspect them every day to see if they are big enough to cut… You can buy the crowns from Country Trading… so I am definitely going to plant a few at my new section.
Have you ever eating asparagus raw? It tastes great! I was carefully cutting the first ones and handing them to Jack to hold… and he was eating them as we went along… so when I looked up to ask if we had enough for dinner all that was left was a slightly guilty look and a load of woody end pieces! Oh well, plenty more spears coming up…
More some ideas than a recipe really…
a bunch of asparagus
choose a few things that go well with asparagus.
Here are some suggestions:
  • salt
  • bacon
  • lemon
  • capers
  • eggs
  • salad leaves
  • tomatoes
  • Hollandaise sauce 
  1. Wash the asparagus, if it has come from the garden and is a bit muddy
  2. Snap off the woody end (the asparagus should naturally break in the right place)
  3. Eat raw or cook (steam, sear in a cast-iron pan with no oil or butter, roast in a hot oven)
  4. Add your favourite ingredients and enjoy!

Happy Spring!

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