Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Apple, Fig and Ginger Jam

In the orchard since January, we have been loving the waves of ripening fruit: plums, peaches, pears, nashis, apples, figs, feijoas and persimmons. If my boy, Jack, is hungry, then he runs outside to see what he can find...
I was in my friend Briar's kitchen the other day and we were talking about ways to preserve figs, as they only last a day or two in the orchard before the birds get them. She dug this recipe out of an old preserving book she had, but it had dried figs in it. We decided to try it with fresh figs, so here is my attempt. I upped the quantity of figs in relation to everything else. It came out well, jammy enough for toast, but also enough like stewed apple to have with ice-cream... yum! Try it for yourself...
I took the photos myself too, so please let me know if you think they are getting better - improving my food photography is one of my aims for 2014.

Apple, Fig and Ginger Jam

1.5kg cooking apples
650g fresh figs
juice of two lemons
2tsp ground ginger
700ml water
1kg sugar

Makes approx. 7 jars

1. Peel and core the apples. Roughly chop them and put them in a large saucepan with the figs, lemon juice and ginger. Pour over the water and bring to the boil.


2. Turn down the heat and cook for about half an hour, stirring regularly, until the mixture is well-reduced and thick. All the fruit should be well-cooked too.

3. Add the sugar, stir well and cook on a rolling boil until the jam is beginning to set. You will know the jam is ready when you can put a small spoonful on a plate, allow it to cool and ‘wrinkle’ it with your finger.

4. Pour the jam into heat-sterilised jars and seal while still hot. Always fill the jar as full as you can, and wipe thoroughly around the lid so you get a good seal.

(recipe source: Pickles & Preserves (Love Food) with minor changes)

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